
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Get A Grip!

The blog title 'Big Manly Garden' is mainly me having a bit of fun with how others view me, and a friendly jab at the 'man card' culture we seem to live in.  Although I don't want to blow my own horn, these things don't exist in a vacuum, and one thing I do have is rather freakish hand/grip strength.  When you're splicing drip lines or yanking fennel, manhandling tension springs and someone that's done that all their life says 'DAMN!'.. you have to at some point say 'yeah, that's not exaggeration' and own it.

There is a downside though - and a lesson to be learned, this isn't an ego stroke of my manliness.

Couple that with a pair of stiff garden shears and some tomato plants that need a bit of pruning, and in a split second that can go from something good - to something quite bad.

Although the wife was a little overzealous with the initial bandage, I nearly took 1/4 of the tip of my finger off.. It's rather sobering to think that with the edge I try and keep on most my tools, and had I slipped a little lower - it's quite feasible I'd be at the ER right now with the top of my finger from the last knuckle up in a tupperware container full of ice.

Lucky for me, I just made the top of it more kosher.  I went inside and doused it under the tap, flipped the skin over and the wife went Florance Nightingale on it (later though for some reason she didn't want to watch when I doused it in iodine *shrug*).

Anyways - typing is a little slow, and thankfully I did all my planting today, so I won't need my left 'pokey' finger.  But needless to say the updated I'd planned on doing over the next day or so may take a little more time than I anticipated.

So - stay careful out there, and I'll be getting folks up to speed as soon as I can :)

1 comment:

  1. You'll thank me when it heals up nice and clean. /crosses arms
